Guest Lecture
ONA Fokushalle and Online
Urbanism and the Countryside

Sakiya—Art/Science/Agriculture: Pedagogies of the CommonsSahar Qawsami in conversation with Adam Jasper, Stefanie Knobel, and Federico Luisetti

Sakiya is a progressive academy, a field for experimental knowledge production and sharing in Ein Qiniya, a village 7 kilometres west of Ramallah, Palestine. By grafting local agrarian traditions of self-sufficiency with contemporary arts and ecological practices, Sakiya seek to create a new narrative around our relationship to land, knowledge, and the commons. Within the framework of a cross disciplinary residency program, marginalised cultural actors, such as farmers and crafts/small industry initiatives, assume a prominent role alongside artists and scholars, challenging the demographic divide that characterises cultural production and consumption. Through self-sufficient practices, agriculture connects with contemporary arts and sciences for a more sustainable and resilient future. These practices are not new but are continuously and increasingly threatened by the forces of colonisation and neoliberal modes of production. Liberation, we at Sakiya believe, comes from a connection and re-framing of an ancient relationship to the land.